Parents Guide to Your Child’s First Curly Haircut

As a curly hair stylist, I get questions all the time from parents asking “When should I bring my child in for his/her first haircut?” And my answer is usually “Do you think they would be cooperative?” This is important to think about. Imagine being in their shoes: being brought to an unfamiliar place, being expected to sit in a special chair by yourself, covered with a big blanket by a stranger holding sharp scissors! Yikes!

“Haircutting salons have lots of unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells that can upset your child," says Kori Levos Skidmore, Ph.D., a child psychologist in Oak Park, Illinois. Some little ones just aren’t prepared for this. Here are some tips to help you determine if your little one really needs a curly haircut and how to prepare them for it.

When they really need a haircut

  1. If your child’s hair has grown out and there is a noticeable variety of lengths that create an odd shape. Usually, around 2-4 years old you start to see some uneven baby hair growth but it’s normal!

  2. If your child’s hair is increasingly difficult to detangle on the ends.

  3. If you want to bring your child to the salon to rebalance the shape of your child’s hair then go for it.

Preparing your child for their first haircut

  1. Bring your child to the hair salon when parents, siblings, or a close friend plans to go. Seeing a familiar face can help your child feel more comfortable.

  2. Begin to show your child videos of cartoon hair salons. This may increase their comfort level about getting a process like that done in real life.

If your child does not seem comfortable with the idea of getting a haircut then it may be best to wait it out. It’s worth waiting until they are ready. Otherwise, their first haircut could be traumatizing for them and expensive for you.

Choosing the right salon for your Curly Kid

  1. A simple Google search for kid-friendly curly hair salons will help you find some nice places to bring your child. Check out their website and see if they do curly-kid cuts. Reach out to the salons and ask directly if needed.

  2. Search on Instagram for the hashtag #Kidscurlyhaircut. Narrow results down to your area. If none are in your area, you can at least get some inspiration for you and your child.

  3. If you find a salon, look at the photos of the clients to ensure that you see curly kids that appear to have hair like your little one.

  4. You may need to travel to find a curl stylist who serves kids with curls. I can assure you it will be worth it.

Be excited about their Curly Haircut!

Chances are, if you’re nervous about their haircut, then your child will probably pick up on it and be nervous too. Be optimistic and excited about their first salon experience!


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